
July 23, 2016 – Citrine Wagtail, Yellow-Headed Wagtail, or Yellow-Hooded Wagtail (Motacilla citreola)

These wagtails breed in northern areas of Europe and Asia, migrating to South and Southeast Asia. They eat insects, plucking them from plants along the edge of water and sometimes wading into the water to catch prey on the surface. Monogamous pairs are very territorial, performing defense flights and calling from perches to defend their nesting and feeding grounds. Females build nests on the ground under grass or bushes from moss, plant materials, hair, wool, and feathers. Males gather materials for the nest and watch for threats. Both parents incubate the eggs.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Thanks so much! I’ve definitely been considering making a book with them, though it would probably need to be several volumes long at this point 🙂


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